
Revenge Not-So-Sweet.

Better question: what happened to her tan?
Ah yes, sweet, sweet revenge. Never fun if some one's mad at you, but can be a blast if you're the one with the plan. Sometimes, in retrospect, you start to feel guilty and pity and feelings that a hardened criminal should never feel.
Well, assuming you're a hardened criminal, which I hope you aren't. Or, for that matter, a petty one.
Anyways, it's always better to give your plan the once-over and make sure it's not something that'll make you feel regretful. It should just be something that will make you both laugh and move on.
Should being the key word.
Ah yes, sweet, sweet revenge. It likes to come back and bite you in the ass.

   Ziggi =P


Selfish Mages.

You shouldn't even have to ask.

It seems like mages are afraid of making portals for people. Seriously, you could sit for hours in trade asking for a portal, and no one would answer you, except for a few trolls who might, well, troll. And it's not like there isn't an abundance of mages... there's always at least five in a major city on my server, and out of those, there's always one who's not pretending to be AFK (or Away, as the new RealID system will have it). Yet it takes hours to find someone who's nice enough to give you a port.
And then after heroics, when mages just teleport themselves out. What's up with that? I mean, I know we have hearthstones and whatnot, but that seems more like manners to me. I always thought it was proper etiquette to make a port after that last item is looted. Just like it is proper etiquette to let the tank pull, and not ninja, and be respectful when speaking...
Ach, who am I kidding? You rarely even see someone willing to say "hello". Dungeon etiquette is dead.
   Ziggi =P